Empowering features

Redefining modern discourse

AI-powered Mediation

Experience super-human attention and patience as you're guided through the process

Structured Process

Seamlessly deep-dives into each perspective and brings out what usually goes unsaid


Engage on your schedule. Anywhere. Anytime.

Personal Metrics

Receive valuable personal feedback on your perceived Empathy, Openness, and Participation

Zero Bias

Perfectly objective mediation

Mediation Summary

Comprehensive overview of the mediation allowing you to dive into all issues, perspectives, and details for maximum understanding


Softens intense emotions and difficult personalities

Alignment Scoring

Gain insights as you progress through the process on where you're aligned and where you're still diverging

Low Stress

Navigate tough conversations with ease

Sentiment Scoring

Understand the temperature of how you're both feeling


Effortlessly and perfectly get your perspectives across


Acquire insights into how both alignment and sentiment are shifting throughout the mediation

Mediation Narrative

Personalized chronicle of the entire mediation and what you each should understand about the other person's perspectives


Unlock a new level of  understanding for other perspectives

Perspective 360

Analysis of everything you should understand about each others thoughts and feelings